Podcast: #5 Coffee Talk with Sylvia – Wedding Planner, Creative Mind and Beautiful Soul.

I’m so happy to be typing those lines right now… especially because I received so many lovely messages from you asking why there was no podcast episode last week. The fact that some of you are eagerly waiting for a new Coffee Talk episode makes me so happy, and I can’t even tell you how much it means to me that you seem to love this little passion project of mine as much as I do.

The reason why there was no Podcast last week is as simple as that: The podcast team was on Easter break. Also, as much as I’d love to do an episode every single week, sometimes it’s simply not possible, unfortunately. Especially now that I am doing interviews, it’s sometimes pretty hard to find a date to meet up with the people I’d like to talk to. You know, just like in real life, when sometimes it takes forever until you find day for a coffee date with your friend. Nevertheless – Coffee Talk #5 is back this week and I am very excited to introduce you to someone who is not just one of the most positive and caring souls I know, but also the person who prevented Patrick and me from several wedding related meltdowns already. Sylvia’s and my path crossed a very long time ago already when she hired me for my very first job while I was still at uni, and – how life goes – we met again a couple of years later and now she’s helping me plan my wedding.

Podcast: Coffee Talk #5 - Sylvia Rill, Jasagerei Wedding Planning Salzburg | you rock my life
Podcast: Coffee Talk #5 - Sylvia Rill, Jasagerei Wedding Planning Salzburg | you rock my life
Podcast: Coffee Talk #5 - Sylvia Rill, Jasagerei Wedding Planning Salzburg | you rock my life

As I can tell from most of the comments I receive on Instagram and every wedding related blogpost I’m sharing here, some of you girls out there are very much into the wedding topic and I love that I’m in just the same bride-to-be boat as you are. Sharing is caring, right!? so I will make sure to give you as many wedding insights as possible in order to create a source of inspiration for you, and also to share my learnings and thoughts about this very emotional and monumental chapter of my life with you.

To start off, I want to be very honest: We’re not planning our wedding completely on our own, but with the help of a wedding planner. And honestly, I wouldn’t be able to do it without her (without being stressed to the max.) We are super lucky to have a very good friend of ours whom we’ve both known for many years (individually, before we’ve even known each other, how funny is that?!) who is an amazingly talented wedding planner. She is currently helping us to come up with a game plan for our wedding and will also be there for us on our wedding day. As far as I am concerned, I think the term wedding planner is not really correct – since she is not planning our wedding for us. She is more like the person we meet up with at brunch to discuss our ideas with, she is guiding us through all the steps we need to consider, she is coming up with answers to our questions, and solutions for problems that arise along the way. To us personally, it’s very helpful to have someone neutral and experienced by our side for all the planning and steps on the way (also, someone who keeps an eye on our timeline and gives us a little push when necessary + gets real with us when our expectations exceed reality). Also, during our wedding day she will be coordinating that everything runs smoothly and is in place. Because let’s face it: Whom of your very close friends who you fully trust could you ask to coordinate your wedding day? Maid of honor, bridesmaids, best man, groomsmen… everyone will have different (very important) roles during that day and they should be able to enjoy this day – which is going by way too quickly anyways – to the fullest.

Sylvia just recently launched her website and founded her company called “Jasagerei”I hope this little Coffee Talk with her gives you good insights about the job of wedding planner, the specific topics and roles a wedding planner can take over and you’ll also find out why we decided to work together with Sylvia for our wedding. Maybe you’re currently in the process of planning your own wedding and get some helpful insights… or maybe you’re looking for someone who can accompany you on the way to your dream wedding.

As always – get yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy the talk. If you have any follow up questions just drop me a line here in the comment section – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

You can find the podcast on Spotify and iTunes, and I’d be super happy if you subscribed to it and also rate it <3 Thank you so much for your support! Have a lovely evening, xo Nina

Jasagerei on Instagram

Podcast: Coffee Talk #5 - Sylvia Rill, Jasagerei Wedding Planning Salzburg | you rock my life
Podcast: Coffee Talk #5 - Sylvia Rill, Jasagerei Wedding Planning Salzburg | you rock my life
Podcast: Coffee Talk #5 - Sylvia Rill, Jasagerei Wedding Planning Salzburg | you rock my life

*photo credit: Patrick Langwallner for Jasagerei