Food For Thought:
About Downtime

For the first time since I went full time with my blog I was completely out of order and there was no way of working. I couldn’t do anything but lie in bed or on the couch with an ice pack on my head. I will spare you the details, but I don’t wish anyone to feel like I did the past two days to say the least.

Trying to see the positive as I always do, my Mom put it quite well when she said I should just see it as a cheap pre-wedding cleanse. Also, maybe those two days of downtime were just meant to happen. I got to fuel up on some energy for the final spurt before the wedding and had some time to evaluate my thoughts. While I was forced to lie still for the past 48h, I had some time to think of the past year and everything that has happened since Patrick proposed to me in Australia. A whirlwind of emotions came up and it’s nearly impossible to describe them. Luckily, sometimes I’m doing quite okay with putting my feelings and thoughts into words, so I looked up the first blogpost I wrote about our engagement. Even after over one year, I’m very glad to say that none of what I’ve written back then has changed and it could not be any more accurate to date.

Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life

I also had a little time to realize that my body might just have told me in its own way to take it a bit slower these upcoming weeks until the wedding. Fact is, the world does not end if I take a break. This past year has led me on this road of thoughts multiple times already, and I think it’s yet again time to listen to my body. I’m fully convinced that if we listen to our body, our real life – our best life, if you will – might actually have a hope of finding us. When our life is spent rushing from one thing to another there is very little time, space or energy for creativity, inspiration, or being able to enjoy all the super important little things that are happening along the way.

We really shouldn’t be concerned about what we’ll miss out on by slowing down. Rather, we should worry about what we might miss out on by continually pushing ourself to the limit. I’m by no means a psychologist or anyone who’s qualified to give advice in that field, but those lines are just snippets of the thoughts I’ve had the past two days which I want like to share with you. I for myself have been reminded again how important it is that I stop long enough for my body, mind and heart to tell me what they are longing to communicate. Because honestly, that is far more important than any random item on our never ending to-do list.

Ask yourself, what might your body and heart tell you, if you’d make time to slow down long enough to listen to it? Let’s all not miss out on what’s most important by being afraid to slow down, okay?

Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life
While you ask yourself this questions, maybe you want to enjoy my slow summer playlist to go with it. (It also works without deep thoughts, though.)
Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life
Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life
Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life
Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life
Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life
Food For Thought: Downtime | You Rock My Life

Esthé pants // SET t-shirt // Chanel WOC // Nomade Moderne hat // Chloé velvet mules // Anna Inspiring Jewelry necklaces