Happy Easter!

My heart filled with love and gratitude, we’re on the way back to Salzburg right now and I could not be happier. I loved spending time with my family over easter, unplugging and just breathing in positive energy. As much as I love my job and the profession I chose, I’m well aware of the fact that it’s very superficial at times and you can get carried away easily. Someone clever once said, “Happiness is a journey, not a destination”, and isn’t that the truth? Going through life thinking “when I get ‘x’ I’ll be happy”, x being this handbag you’ve been admiring for months, a bigger home or an exotic holiday, you realize quickly that the reality is never quite as sweet as the imagination. Being happy is something to strive towards on a daily basis and does not come in form of material things. This weekend reminded me again what happiness means to me: It’s a loving and caring family, a place I can call home, three little dogs who come running at squeaking of joy when they see me and an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. All of this reminded me again to focus more on the little things in life, and worry less about the future. Because as long as we keep in mind what’s really important in life and what happiness means to us, everything is going to be alright.

It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.

Here are some pictures from my weekend at home – I hope you enjoy them! And what I hope most is that you spent a lovely weekend with your family and loved ones, too. Happy Easter, everyone!


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If you’re ever in the area of Udine / Italy, I can highly recommend the restaurant “La Taverna di Colloredo“. It’s a tradition of my family to go there for a big lunch for Easter Sunday.