On Repeat This Summer

It’s old news that I’m addicted to music – there’s literally almost no hour of the day that I spent without having some music playing in the background or on my earphones. I simply need music to relax, to focus, basically to function, if you will. As every summer has a story, in my case usually every summer has a specific sound. I’ve already gathered my favorite sunset tunes for you guys last year – which probably is one of my most favorite playlists ever. Smooth sounds that remind me of golden summer hours… the best! While I’ve spent most of my summer in the office so far, my latest playlist does not contain summer songs per se. It rather is a collection of songs I’ve been listening to on repeat these couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Music: Summer Playlist Spotify | You rock my life

If you’d like to have a look at my other playlists, you can find me here on Spotify. Also, if you have some good playlist recommendations, I’d love to hear about them! ♥

Music: Summer Playlist Spotify | You rock my life