
I’m not someone who has a whole closet full of designer bags, although I do fall in love with them on a regular basis. Over the last years however, I’ve learned that some of those dream bags I fall in love with are only a hot fling and leave my mind faster than the seasons change. So whenever you see a new bag on my arm, you can be sure I’ve circled around it a million times, have pinned a gazillion of photos of it on my Pinterest board and have thought about all possible ways to style it with the existing pieces I have in my wardrobe.

One of the bags I fell in love with the minute I first saw it is Valentino’s Rockstud Spike bag. I love its edginess, the classic quilted style combined with the golden spikes and the fact that you can wear it crossbody, over your shoulder and at the short top handle. The only reason why I didn’t get my hands on it (despite the price tag, duh) is that I’ve had a different Valentino bag that is too similar.

Whenever I buy a bag, I usually don’t buy it with the intent of selling it again one day. Because, as I mentioned, when I finally make the decision to buy the bag, I’m 100% sure I truly want it. Hence, it never really occurred to me to part ways with my Valentino baby. However, this past year, it has only left its dustbag a couple of times and didn’t get the attention it deserved anymore. But still, I loved its size, I loved the color and didn’t want to miss it.

Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life

Until one morning, when an innocent newsletter of a second hand shop I had been following for some time popped up in my inbox, waving the exact model of the Valentino Rockstud Spike right into my face. It was in perfect condition and the price was more than reasonable. I went to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of coffee, and returned to my laptop to take a second look at the bag. After scanning it a second time, I just clicked the “buy” button and three days later this gorgeous bag arrived at my doorstep.

So this bag marks two firsts in a row for me:

No. 1: It’s the first time I bought a bag without going back and forth about it for at least a few weeks.

No. 2: It’s my first pre-loved designer bag and I’m super excited about this purchase. I got the bag for almost half the price and the condition is perfect. This makes me wonder… is it even worth it to buy a new bag, if you can score the same bag for so much less cash?

Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life

I think the idea of prolonging the lifespan of things – no matter if it’s bags, clothes, shoes or even furniture – is truly wonderful, and has been a topic that’s been very present on my mind lately. My beloved Valentino bag is already on its way to its new owner, and I hope it will make the girl who bought it just as happy as it made me when I first got it.

I’m curious: Do you like the idea of pre-loved pieces? If so, where do you like shopping second hand? I’m thinking of selling some more of my things and giving them a new life, so I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my lifeOutfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life Outfit: Valentino Rockstud Spike Bag, Isabel Marant Nowles Boots, Closed Jeans, Tweed Blazer | you rock my life

Closed Pedal Pusher Jeans // Closed Sweater ( also similar here and here) // Zara Tweed Blazer (old) // Isabel Marant boots // Valentino bag // pearly hair clip

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