Beauty In A Crystal Ball: Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019

Two weeks ago I was invited to beautiful Rotterdam to take part at the Philips Global Beauty Summit. The press conference, followed by a lavish dinner took place at the former gin distillery Hulstkamp Gebouw, which provided the perfect setting for this beautiful event.

Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life

For the past five years, Philips marketing experts have been interviewing around 12.000 women around the world about their beauty habits, desires and needs in order to provide the best products for their customers. The results of this study, and the latest Philips beauty tools and innovations are presented at the yearly Global Beauty Summit to a selected group of bloggers, journalists, experts and Philips Beauty employees.

“We at Philips have set the goal to improve the lives of 100 million women by 2025, by helping each and every one of them to reveal their most beautiful and strongest selves,” were the welcoming words at this year’s Global Beauty Summit with the title “Beauty in a crystal ball”.

More women than ever believe that how they feel inside is more important than how they look.

Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019
Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life

Philips Global Beauty Summit FMA:

The main key takeaways from the Global Beauty Summit:

  • Sad truth: Only 60% of the women surveyed worldwide feel beautiful. This figure has dropped 5% compared to the previous year, but it is still well above the first index from 2015, when just 47% made this statement.
  • Beauty is a matter of a positive mindset: A large majority of women believe that beauty is first and foremost a question of a positive attitude and emotional balance.
  • Healthy = beautiful: Six out of ten women worldwide say that they pursue a holistic approach to beauty, and almost half of all participants expect that the topics “health” and “beauty” will be linked even more over the next 5 years.
  • It’s all about personalization: The majority of women seeks information on how to keep their hair and skin healthy with the help of a personal consultation.
  • Beauty in a digital world: 58% of all participants want an app that scans the skin and has the ability to recommend the right skin care and treatments for them.
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
  • Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life

The words that resonated most with me were that studies show that more women than ever believe that how they feel inside is more important than how they look.

You’d assume beauty is a global concept, but in fact it’s something very individual and personal. Philips see their role in equipping women all around the world with personalized tools to give them the opportunity to reveal their most confident self, hence feeling truly beautiful from inside out. And if you ask me? That’s a wonderful quest Philips is on.

Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life
Philips Global Beauty Summit 2019 Rotterdam - You Rock My Life