Recipe: My Breakfast Classics

Breakfast is without doubt the most important meal of the day for me. I seriously can’t function without breakfast and a coffee in the morning – Patrick already knows that, so whenever we have an appointment in the morning that he schedules for us, he secretly plans in some extra time for me to make sure I get my food (husband material, am I right!?). 

Since we moved into our new home we’re celebrating our breakfast and morning routine even more, and I shared some photos of my breakfast bowls a couple of times during the past weeks. I’ve received quite a few questions about what exactly I’m having for breakfast, so I thought I’d share my two favorite go-to recipes with you. I’m a big old cereals & fruit for breakfast fan, and hardly ever have anything salty in the morning – except for on weekends when we do late breakfast which always involves eggs in variations with avo. But during the week, my breakfast usually consists of all kinds of oatmeal, fresh fruit and plant based milk. A perfect breakfast for me has to be two things: healthy and easy to prepare.

Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro

You might have seen the “Flat Tummy Breakfast” recipe over on The Daily Dose already. My breakfast mix is actually very similar: Every once in a while I mix together some of my favorite muesli ingredients in a big jar and create my own breakfast mix that will last for some weeks. I usually buy the “Ja! Natürlich Basis Müsli” and add some rolled oats, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, buckwheat and goji berries. The preparation is super easy:

Recipe: Overnight Oats Mix

Soak 5 tbsp of the muesli mix in some plant based milk over night. I love using sugar free almond milk or sugar free soy milk. In the morning, stir well and add some milk if needed. Garnish with a handful of blueberries, raspberries or any other fruit you like. Add some coconut shavings, raw cacao nibs and 2 tsp of linseed oil, macadamia nut oil or any other cold pressed oil you like. I usually add some cinnamon or raw cacao powder, and if I’m in the mood for a bit of crunch I love topping my muesli with Granola, such as this one from Verival. That’s it.

Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro

Recipe: Skinny Bircher Muesli

My other go-to favorite in the morning is a homemade Bircher Muesli my Mom already used to make for me when I was little. It’s also super easy to prepare, and every time I serve it for brunch with friends everyone always loves it (even the boys!). For the Bircher Muesli simply soak 8 tbsp. of the muesli mix I mentioned before in plain water over night. You can also use the Ja! Natürlich Basis Muesli or any kind of muesli you have at hand, of course. Then drain the soaked oats and put then in a big bowl. Add one ripe banana and mash it with a fork, then grate one apple and one pear and add it to the bowl. Mix everything together and add some milk of your choice, let it soak for 15 minutes. Stir again before serving and garnish with some coconut shavings, roasted almond flakes and raspberries.

Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro

For days when I’m really in a hurry and almost don’t have any time for breakfast, I always have some “P. Jentschura Morgenstund’ Müsli” in stock. You simply pour some hot water over this muesli and what you get is a perfectly healthy oatmeal full of nutrients without added sugar. It’s also something I had for breakfast every other morning when I was a child, and I’ve loved it ever since.

You see, my go-to breakfast recipes are so simple that they can hardly be described as a recipe. Nevertheless, they are my favorite breakfasts and I’m looking forward to eating either of it every morning. Hence, they deserve their own little spot on my blog. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do! ♥

Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawroRecipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro Recipe: My Breakfast Classics | You Rock My Life @ninawro

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