I got it from my Mama


I still remember those days like it was yesterday when I was sitting on the floor of our bathroom at home, watching my mom when she got ready in the morning. Observing everything she did and of course, getting utterly excited when she let me play with her make up and clothes. I remember thinking “when I’m grown up I want to be as cool as her.” Back in the days she was my superstar and by far the most beautiful woman I knew. And nothing’s changed ever since. I’m kinda grown up now, not quite sure if I’m there yet when it comes to the coolness, but one thing never changed: My mom still is my superwoman. Lucky enough, she kept all those amazing clothes I was always adoring and is giving them to me now piece by piece. Nothing feels more special to wear than something my mom has worn. There are so many memories rushing through my head of occasions she’s worn those exact pieces. Sometimes I even get overly emotional when looking at them, because the memories make me so happy. That’s why I love vintage things so much. The stories they can tell are wonderful – even more so if those vintage things are given to you be one of the people you love most.


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Mamsi, you’re still the coolest girl I know and I’m so thankful for your love.

PS: No worries, I won’t wash the jeans shirt. I’ll bring it home for laundry as promised 😉



xxx – Vintage Jeans Shirt

CHANEL – Vintage Bag (also a gift from my mom)

ZARA – Pants and Cowboy Boots

H&M – Linen Shirt

RAY BAN – Round Metal Sunnies

COCO BONITO – Sunnycords