Say Bye to Dry Skin in Winter

As much as the thought of walks in winter wonderland and skiing always thrills me, my skin is dreading the cold weather equally much. The result: Dry and blemished skin, chipped nails,  super dry cuticle, and frizzy hair. Sounds familiar? I thought so. That’s why I gathered my winter hydration boosters from Barnängen (some of my favorite body care products since last year) and want to share some tricks with you that help my body stay soft and hydrated during the cold months of the year:

Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro

Five tips against dry skin in winter:

1. Water Temperature plays an important role.

We all love a hot shower or bath in winter, don’t we? I certainly do! A Sunday bath every once in a while (okay, basically every Sunday) is one of my favorite treats! However, too hot water is stripping away essential oil from your skin. It’s better to use lukewarm water, particularly when washing your hands. Also, the right soap can help prevent your hands from drying out: Barnängen just launched their cream soaps, which combine their distinctive Cold Cream with Scandinavian-inspired ingredients such as cornflower, daisy and blackberry extracts that ensure just the right care for your hands.

2. Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize.

That’s probably the point I can’t stress enough! The right moisturizer is key against dry skin in winter. Our skin needs more moisture when the temperatures are close to zero, especially after washing it. Applying moisture to damp skin helps seal that dampness into the skin. I’m keeping a bottle of Barnängen hand cream near the sink at home and at the office, as well as on my bedside table and in my bag to make sure I don’t forget to use it liberally throughout the day.

3. Treat yourself to an overnight moisture booster.

Dryer areas like hands, feet, elbows, and knees have thin skin and tend to lose moisture even faster than other areas on our body. That’s why I regularly slather these areas with some extra balm at night. I either use hand cream, or also Barnängen’s All Over Intensive Body Balm which has a very rich texture. If you want to give your hand and feet some extra TLC, wear cotton gloves and socks after applying the balm to seal in the moisture until morning (and to avoid grease spots on your bedsheets).

4. Protect your skin and keep it warm.

If you’re anything like me, you don’t need to be told to wear your hat and scarf when going out. However, something I constantly tend to forget are my gloves. Those three things not only help to stay warm, but also protect your skin from cold winds, rain and snow. Also – don’t forget to wear your SPF! Winter sun can be just as damaging as as summer sun.

5. Hydrate from the inside out.

Once the hot days are over, we automatically tend to drink less water because we feel less thirsty. Nevertheless, our skin needs hydration from the inside! If you don’t feel like cold water in winter (I’m the same!), try warm water with a bit of lemon and ginger. It can be very refreshing, warming and hydrating at the same time. Also, try to incorporate more foods high in water into your meal plan. Apples, oranges, kiwi and veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and celery can boost your hydration level immensely. To support the healthy production of collagen and elastin, make sure you’re taking in enough Vitamin C, zinc and essential omega-3 fatty acids. My trick: I put a tablespoon of cold pressed linseed oil in my porridge in the morning. This helps to support the skin with the buildings blocks it needs to appear supple and smooth, and it’s good for your nails and hair, too.

Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro


As a little goodie for you, I’ve teamed up with Barnängen and am allowed to give away 5 packages of my favorite Barnängen products for beautiful skin in winter! In order to take part, all you need to do is leave me a comment under this blogpost and let me know that you’d like to try out the products.*

I hope these tips will help you to keep your skin less itchy, chapped and uncomfortable this season. If you have any other tips against dry skin, I’d love to hear them!

Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro Beauty: Say Bye to Dry Skin In Winter | Barnängen | You Rock My Life - ninawro

*Terms & Conditions: Every person over the age of 18 is eligible to participate. The competition starts on December 13th and ends on December 16th. The winner will be notified by me after the end of the competition. Your personal data will only be used for the competition and will be deleted afterwards. This competition is held in exclusive cooperation with Barnängen.

*advertisement: in collaboration with Barnängen